We will guide the transformation and upgrading of processing trade, support businesses in creating Chinese brands and developing international marketing networks, develop service trade and undertake services outsourced by other countries, and raise the position of Chinese manufacturing in the global division of labor. 引导加工贸易转型升级,支持企业打造自主品牌和国际营销网络,发展服务贸易和服务外包,提升中国制造在国际分工中的地位。
In proportion as the manufacturing power is thus developed will the division of the commercial operations and the co-operation of the productive powers in agriculture also develop themselves and be raised to the highest stage of perfection. 工业力量有了这样的发展以后,在农业生产中商业行为的划分与生产力的协作,也将作等比例的发展,从而使农业达到最高度完善阶段。
Therefore, Chinas manufacturing is infirm in international division of labor, especially for the technology and capital intensive products. 因此,中国制造业国际分工地位低下,在技术和资本密集型产品上尤为低下。
Sony has lost money in each of the past four years, owing largely to its unprofitable television manufacturing division. 索尼在过去四年里年年亏损,主要原因是电视机制造部门无法盈利。
Equipment manufacturing division: ultrasound series equipments, hot plate, non-standard machines production. 设备生产事业部:超音波系列设备、热板机、非标机的生产制作。
Belle had been expected to list its retail operations but has now decided to include its shoe manufacturing division as part of the offering, a move that triples the likely size of the capital-raising. 外界一直预计百丽会将零售业务上市,但目前该公司已决定将鞋类生产部门也纳入IPO中,这将使其潜在募资规模扩大两倍。
Based on the four-digital trade data, from the perspective of comparison of intra-industry trade pattern across countries, this paper analyze the status of China's manufacturing division of labor. 利用四分位贸易数据,从产业内贸易形态跨国比较的视角,本文对中国制造业国际分工地位进行了研究。
Assist Manufacturing Manager to achieve tactical and strategic goals of division, in terms of safety, quantity and quality; 协助制造经理实现有关安全,数量,质量的策略性目标;
Then, the article analyzes the interaction mechanism between producer service industry and the manufacturing industry, from the angle the social division of labor, the value chain and the economy clusters, and delimited seedtime of the interactions. 再次,研究分析了生产性服务业和制造业的互动机制,从社会分工、价值链和经济生态群落等角度分析两者的互动机制,并划分两者的互动发展阶段及相应模式。
This dissertation is to find out how the changes in the International Division of Labor in Manufacturing Process ( division of production) and the trade pattern of this region in 1990s will affect this region's trade development in 21st century. 本文研究了90年代东亚地区生产分工和贸易结构的变化对该地区21世纪贸易发展的重要影响。
Based on the international and domestic related research, this paper Analyses the position of Chinese manufacturing industry in contemporary international division of labor. 本文在回顾国内外相关研究的基础上,对中国制造业在当代新型国际分工中的地位做出了较为深入的分析。
From the view of the processing and manufacturing industry, international division of labor depends on technical force rather than difference of comparative cost. 从加工制造业上看,国际分工依据的不是比较成本差异,而是技术实力。
Practice proving, design of the scale division device is skillful, manufacturing cost is low, and the scale division accuracy is steady, which can satisfy process request; 实践证明,该分度装置设计巧妙,制造成本低,且分度精度稳定,可以满足加工要求;
On this foundation, analyses the position of Chinese manufacturing industry at present in the new international division of labor. 第五章在前文提出的分析思路和框架基础上,运用可获得的数据,对我国制造业的国际分工地位做了实证分析并提出结论。
The Research on Marketing Strategy of HCC Manufacturing Division 湘计算机制造本部市场营销策略研究
The research result shows that the communication and transportation equipment manufacturing division has the best technological innovation capability among all divisions of equipment manufacturing industry in Anhui province. 研究结果显示,在安徽省的装备制造业的各个子行业中,技术创新能力最好的是交通运输设备制造业。
With such constant enlargement of the open degree of the respect as goods, technology and investment, etc., the manufacturing industry of our country incorporates in the international division system day by day. 随着商品、技术和投资等方面对外开放程度的不断扩大,我国制造业日益融入国际分工体系之中。
China'S Manufacturing Industries under New Worldwide Division Structure 国际分工新体系下中国制造业的竞争力
With the rising status of manufacturing industry in the international labor division and restructuring, its size has grown to the third place of the whole world. 随着中国制造业在国际分工和重组中地位的不断提升,其规模已上升至世界制造业第三位。
Present, it has also been attempted in manufacturing planar waveguide, optical wavelength division multiplexer with low crosstalk, and some other optical devices. 目前其在制作平面光波导、低带间串扰光波分复用器等光学器件方面也已经有初步的应用。
Producer services and development of equipment manufacturing industry symbiosis between the deepening division of labor, increasing labor efficiency, optimize the industrial structure and enhance technological innovation, etc. have played an irreplaceable role. 生产性服务业与装备制造业之间共生发展对深化劳动分工、提高劳动效率、优化产业结构及增强一个国家或地区技术创新能力等方面都起到不可替代的作用。
The formation and evolution of regional manufacturing division are important sources of regional economic growth and development. 区域制造业分工的形成与演进,是区域经济增长与发展的重要源泉。
Meanwhile, from the position that China manufacturing industry occupies in the international labor division system, the thesis has discussed the accesses of the China middle and small sized manufacturing enterprises to participate the international labor division, and has done utmost to make some creation. 同时从我国制造业在新型国际分工中的地位出发,探讨了我国中小制造企业参与国际分工的途径,力求有所创新。
Highly developed equipment manufacturing industry determines the international division of labor status of a nation in the economic globalization. 高度发达的装备制造业,决定了国家在经济全球化进程中国际分工的地位。
Since the reform and opening-up policy was carried out more than 30 years ago, the Chinese Economy has developed steadily and fast. With the multinational transfer of the manufacturing industry, China has taken part in international division of labor and become a giant manufacturing country. 改革开放以来三十多年间,中国经济实现了平稳快速发展,通过引进制造业的跨国转移,成功地参与了国际分工,逐步成为世界级制造大国。
In general, regional factors flow and regional manufacturing division is mutual complementarity, but different factors at different stages the weights will vary. In some stage performance is as an alternative and lag effect. 本文认为,总体来看,要素区域流动与制造业区域分工相互互补,不过不同要素在不同阶段作用权重会有所不同,而且在某些阶段会表现为替代关系和滞后效应。
However, the existing literature did not have any research on the manufacturing division of this region, let alone into the manufacturing of small sectors of the division of the various studies. 但是,现有的文献都没有都对该地区的分工有所研究,更不用说对细入到制造业各个行业部门的分工的研究。
As the new form of international service manufacturing and labor division, the service outsourcing has deep influence on service trade, industrial structure and salary income. It also provides new opportunity for developing country to melting into world economy and get new developing engine. 同时作为国际服务生产和分工的最新形式,当代服务外包对各国服务贸易、产业结构和工资收入等经济层面产生了深远影响,更为发展中国家带来了融入世界经济,获得新的增长动力的机遇。
Firstly we describe and comment on the papers on manufacturing investment in context of the international division. 文章对国际分工背景下的制造业投资文献进行述评。
At present, the manufacturing division and collaboration are the importance lead of the global economy. 目前,制造业是全球经济分工与协作的重要主导。